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Balance of the Reform Power
http://www.tj-summerdavos.cn 2014-09-08 19:49

 Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

Greater role for governments needed in technological development

Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China has argued for a greater role for the government in leading technological development in China. In a discussion on the Transformative Potential of Science and Technology in Dalian, Wan Gang said, “we need to have new models for development technology in this new society.”

Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Science Advisor to the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office in Japan, added that the hard infrastructure provided by the government should also be matched by an equal enthusiasm for providing the soft infrastructure: human talent.


Editor: Zhang Jialu
Annual Meeting of the New Champions Tianjin Preparatory Office