There are four railway stations in Tianjin, of which Tianjin Railway Station isNthe largest. There are trains to over 40 cities, departing from or passing by Tianjin to Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Shanghai, Manzhouli and Kowloon of Hong Kong, etc. You can buy tickets at railway stations or the ticket booking offices located at Tianjin city proper. The window of soft sleeping seats can offer priority service to visitors from overseas and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province. Beijing-Tianjin Inter-city Express Railway was further convenient for two cities’ visitors to exchange each other.
Information Hot Line
Tianjin Railway Station,+86 22 60536053
Tianjinxi Railway Station,+86 22 26189803
Tianjinbei Railway Station,+86 22 26181662 |