About Tianjin | Highlights
Road Transport
http://www.tj-summerdavos.cn 2014-09-08 19:49

Tianjin has 28 long-distance coach stations till now, with over 900 lines, radiating20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai,Chongqing, Zhejiang, Gansu, etc. Please visit http://www.tjjt.gov.cn for coachroutes.

Long-Distance Coach Stations

Long-distance Coach Station Center,41 Zhenli Road, Hedong District,+86 22 60531820

Xizhan Coach Station,6 Xiqing Road, Hongqiao District,+86 22 27320688

Beizhan Coach Station,Tiantai Road, Hebei District,+86 22 26340264

Hebei Coach Station,39 Jianchang Road, Hebei District,+86 22 26328908

Hongqiao Coach Station,Beside Hongqi Tunnel, Hongqiao District,+86 22 27322956

Tianhuan Coach Station,Crossroad of Hongqi Road and Anshanxi Road, Nankai District,+86 22 23050530


Editor: Zhang Jialu
Annual Meeting of the New Champions Tianjin Preparatory Office